Monday, May 16, 2011

We admit it, we love a great DIY tutorial on anything that can really save us more than a buck, one that is something that we truly would like for our home (or for ourselves to wear), but most of all DOES NOT look like we made it ourselves!  This excludes anything that you would make with macrame, has a teddy bear on it, or says 'Live Laugh Love'...we're not judging anyone out there with anything of that nature in their home because your space is after all a reflection of who YOU are and everyone is great.  So, because our parents raised us right and we learned how to share, we're passing the tutorial goods on to you!  We've gathered up some of the best of the best DIY's available online or in books, that are available for sharing, and are not overplayed ideas that you are soooooo sick of seeing in every one's home and as such have lost all clever or cuteness about them.

Today's DIY is a springy one, (as in the season, not anything that bounces).  I admit, I am NOT a green thumb (but I am green with envy that Haley is)!  However, I do love pots and other garden accoutrement (this word has been randomly stuck in my head for days now, it's a fun one to say so I had to insert it somewhere...).  They are great re-purposed decor items when used indoors too. 

So when I stumbled upon this fantastically easy and expensive looking idea, I was ALMOST encouraged enough to start a full spring cleaning of my house so I could decorate for the new season from a fresh canvas.  I say 'almost' because I didn't end up cleaning, I skipped right to the dessert of the situation and made the pot..which later served as a cute catch-all for small clutter (so some cleaning did happen).  Anyway, this idea and tutorial is from  Suzonne Stirling of and "B is for Baby" crafty book fame.  She has a great blog jam packed full of worthwhile reads, is a wonderful writer, and overall creative genius.  Project pics are posted below along with the direct link to the tutorial on her blog:

Direct link to tutorial on her blog:

If your anything like me when you see a fun new idea, you will get totally obsessed with making these things and expand the idea beyond the original tutorial after the first couple hours making them.  Then you stay up all hours of the night making six for everyone you know as well as people you might meet one day..just in case they happen to need an eyelet wrapped vase, then you can be the hero of the day and present one to them that you have on the ready.   Then, just when you tire of this DIY we'll have another project  posted so the cycle can start all over again...  Is this just me????

DIY disclaimer: It is not chic, fabulous, or cool to rip-off someone else's design that they have worked hard at developing, obsessing and losing sleep over, and spent countless hours and money building the brand/idea to the success that is today and/or will be in the future...all so you can see it, make it, and sell it at a below market rate.  So please respect other people's thoughts and talents and do not open an online shop selling wares you've pirated. 

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